About Us

NOW! Jakarta was first published in January 2009 with a clear mission to help make sense of this intimidating urban maze.

We want to help readers – temporary and permanent residents, or visitors – understand the soul of Jakarta, but also identify the right places and people that can make this city a home for them. We engage with societies and associations, take part in events of all natures, talk with schools, hotels and restaurants with equal emphasis and hopefully make Jakarta a more approachable place.

As a media company, we aim to bring the rich experience of ‘Life in the Capital’ to the fore, sharing the exciting and the uplifting, the challenging and the thought-provoking aspects that make Jakarta unique. We strive to inspire, enlighten, inform, engage, encourage community, and discovery and to lead our readers to a greater enjoyment of this complex and sometimes confusing city.

We also recognise that Jakarta has an even greater role to play in representing the rest of the archipelago to the world, and so we always have travel stories on Java, Bali, Lombok and many more provinces to ensure that it is not just the city that is featured.

We are not a ‘glossy lifestyle magazine’. We are something unique, a blend of culture and good living, community and education. Importantly, we strongly believe in uplifting local products, cultures and stories, and prioritise these values above showcasing expensive brands or encouraging consumerism. We take no political stance or support any party, but champion good governance and improvements to the living conditions and standards of the people. We try to introduce culture at every opportunity and support all the charities that we can. We hope that you can join us in this constant challenge to uphold standards, do “the right thing” wherever possible – but still have fun!

Our Platforms

At NOW! Jakarta, we believe that we owe our readers thoughtful and intelligent content that provides real insight – this is the basis of our editorial drive. We share informed opinions, expert views and useful information in every issue, and make our original content available across:

A bi-monthly print magazine (Deliveries available in Jakarta)
A downloadable digital magazine (available for free here)
Weekly newsletters (subscribe here)
Social Media (Facebook & Instagram)

Whatever platform our reader prefers, our stories are available on them all.

NOW! Jakarta has a diverse range of full-time writers and contributors whose expertise and excellence are what make our media platform something to be proud of. We wouldn’t be who we are without those who share their stories through us.

Now Bali