The German Academic Exchange Service, better known by the acronym DAAD, is an association of the German Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their student bodies.

The DAAD has been supporting academic exchange between Germany and Indonesia for decades, providing scholarships, helping to establish university collaborations. Photo courtesy of DAAD/NOW!JAKARTA

At the moment 241 HEIs – classical universities as well as universities of applied sciences, colleges of art and music and others – and 103 student bodies form part of the DAAD. The general task of the DAAD is to foster the cooperation between German universities and universities abroad.

Most people know the DAAD as the world’s biggest scholarship organisation, with nearly 140,000 persons – mainly students, doctoral candidates, scientists – receiving funding each year (about 61,000 foreigners, 78,000 Germans). But scholarships are only one part of the DAAD’s work. The DAAD supports the internationalisation of the German universities, assists universities at home and abroad in establishing effective and quality-driven university structures and programmes, and provides information on study and research opportunities in Germany and abroad. It also advises decision makers on matters of cultural, education and development policy.

The DAAD’s activities are predominantly funded by the German government through different ministries, mainly the German Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. A substantial part of the budget is also derived from the funding of the European Union, as the DAAD is Germany’s national agency for the ERASMUS programme.

DAAD Indonesia. 

In Jakarta, a regional office of the DAAD ( was established in 1990, based on the bilateral German-Indonesian Cultural Agreement of the German and Indonesian government. At the moment 12 Indonesian and German colleagues form our team. In close cooperation with many Indonesian universities, but also ministries such as RISTEKDIKTI and other stakeholders, we

  • act as a contact point for German as well as for Indonesian universities by providing information on the German as well as on the Indonesian university systems, thus assisting the universities to establish bilateral partnerships and connected activities;
  • offer individual counselling on study and research opportunities in Germany to future and current students, doctoral candidates and scientists, also informing on scholarships;
  • organise information seminars on higher education, study and research in Germany;
  • organize regular meetings with our more than 3,000 DAAD Alumni in Indonesia (many of them having accomplished full studies or PhD studies in Germany);
  • participate in education fairs, often in cooperation with German universities;
  • cooperate closely with ASEAN in education-related EU-ASEAN projects.

The DAAD has been supporting academic exchange between Germany and Indonesia for decades, providing scholarships, advising German and Indonesian students and scientists, and helping to establish university collaborations.

Summitmas II building 14th floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta