The approaching holiday season is also a season of giving. Whilst buying and sharing gifts is reward enough, what if the products you purchase also supported a good cause?
NOW! Jakarta has rounded up a unique list of products made here in Indonesia, representing the unique creative, social enterprises one can find in the country. From environmentally-friendly goods to handicrafts produced by the differently-abled communities, why not support great movements and organisations with your gifting this year.

Bread Basket and Casserole Holder by Yayasan Cheshire Indonesia
Yayasan Cheshire Indonesia is a home for differently-abled adults aimed at providing a safe and caring environment in which to live. Importantly, Wisma Cheshire, as it is commonly known, empowers their predominantly paraplegic residents by teaching practical skills that they can apply to make a living.
Wisma’s most popular items include their batik-patterned handicrafts and accessories, beautifully handmade items that range from bread baskets to wine bottle cases, casserole dish holders to oven gloves. Often bought as souvenirs or gifts, they add a sophisticated Indonesian touch to every household, whilst simultaneously providing income and employment opportunities for the Wisma residents.
+62 21 769 2059 |

Artisanal Bamboo Crafts by Studio Dapur
With a mission to regenerate the bamboo craftsmanship in Singaparna, a small village on the foothills of Mt. Galunggung, West Java, Studio Dapur presents a unique series of woven bamboo crafts. Utilising sustainable bamboo and inspired by local values and culture, the studio has revived an artisanal industry, bringing a craft economy back to the village.
Want to decorate your dining table with beautiful artisanal bamboo creations? The Boana Food Cover is a simple yet cute twist on the traditional food covers placed over serving dishes; this pairs perfectly with the Suka Tray, inspired by the Indonesian ‘tampah’, redesigned for modern taste. The orientally-styled Square Hampers present an aesthetic tea experience in one box in which you’ll find a charming bamboo tea strainer, durable and water resistant; a pair of Japanese-style coasters and two glasses.

Recycled Plastic Bags by PRR Jali Bags
A disadvantaged community in a quiet village of Sidowayah Krebet near Ponorogo, East Java, are empowering themselves to be more economically independent by repurposing recycled plastics into high quality handbags. The village, in addition to being located on infertile soil, has an unusually high concentration of people who are living with a wide spectrum of mental disorders due to malnutrition and a lack of access to mental health services.
Thanks to the social organisation Batu Hijau that built a skills centres in the area, the women of the village have been trained to weave recycled plastic strands and design them into intricate fashionable items. The bags have been introduced to local and international markets and have become popular items. Some of the proceeds of purchased bags goes to Batu Hijau to finance social actions in Ponorogo.
+62 813-8951-8348 (Mrs. Eva) | @prrjalibag

Painted Bags, Books, and Stationeries by Carys Cares
Carys Cares, a social foundation founded by Carys Mihardja in 2018, is unleashing the potential of children and teenagers with down syndrome, showcasing the the power of their creativity to the public. Like Fauzi, who is passionate about painting and continues to develop his skills, leading him to become the winner of a painting competition for the nature category in commemoration of World Down Syndrome Day 2021. The results of his paintings are applied to decorate various stationery items such as agenda books, pouches, various forms of bags, tumblers, mugs, and more.
Carys Cares Foundation’s main goal has always been to raise awareness through creativity empowerment especially in this country where there is still a stigma for people living with disabilities. Proceeds are donated to Potads, a Down Syndrome Foundation and to support individuals with Down Syndrome in Indonesia.

Fashion Accessories by R Home Indonesia
Fereshta, an 18 year old from Afghanistan, spends the day in the refugee camp developing her artistic talents. With R Home, a social enterprise to support and empower youth refugees, Fereshta can showcase her paintings which are applied on various lifestyle merchandise items and fashion accessories, such as blouses, scarves, tote bags, notebooks, fans, etc.
R Home was established in 2021 by Tiffany Mihardja, a 19-year old student and entrepreneur who is actively involved in humanitarian missions. R Home stands as a means to both share the powerfully resilient stories of the refugees and raise funds to support education refugees residing in Indonesia as well as unlocking economic independence and self-sufficiency through creativity empowerment.

Paramba Handcrafted Collections by AHANA
Centuries ago, in the misty highlands of north Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, a mesmerising dance of colours and threads gave birth to the Paramba, a symphony of woven threads, stretched elegantly across fabrics. Each piece tells a story that spans generations. Imagine weavers skilfully crafting long, thin lines of vibrant hues, a meticulous process that stretches for 3-4 meters in each fabric.
Explore custom gifting with AHANA, support and preserve more than 1200 weaving communities and SMEs by creating Paramba artisanal treasures. The brand that focuses on sustainability ensures that every gift embodies environmental consciousness and social responsibility. Each piece is handcrafted and manufactured with love in Indonesia.
+62 812 3681 0038 | |

Jakarta in Lifestyle Merchandise by Sahabat Museum
Initiated by Ade Purnama in 2002, Sahabat Museum is a Jakarta-based community of Indonesian museum lovers who together explore the various museums in Indonesia with the aim of preserving culture and introducing history to the general public, guided by professional historians, both domestic and foreign.
In order for young people to get to know history, Ade created a fun way to educate people about historical places with a good narrative by producing vibrant merchandise. You can collect a series of historical places in Jakarta such as Museum Jakarta, Fatahillah Square, Kali Besar, Jakarta Kota Station, etc. in the form of cushions, scarfs, tote bags, tumblers, etc. The drawings are from Jakarta in Watercolours book and comics by a Dutch cartoonist Peter van Dongen. Ade is also keen to make merchandise about other historical places, such as Banda Naira in Maluku and also the Indonesian map.
+62 812 8427 2736 | @batmus_sahabatmuseum