Jambuluwuk Malioboro Hotel has received the official certification of 5-star hotels from PT. Megah Tritunggal Mulia (MTM)

Jambuluwuk Malioboro Receives 5-star Hotel Certification

This certification of 5-star Hotels is proof that for now Jambuluwuk Malioboro Hotel is one of the 5-star Hotels in the Malioboro area that can be the right choice for business and leisure activities with standards that are in accordance with what guests expect.

Jambuluwuk Hotel & Resort has six branches (Puncak, Batu Malang, Yogyakarta, Gili Trawangan, Seminyak Bali & Jakarta) in six locations with different designs. This difference occurs because it adjusts the local area, but still has the same quality in terms of the facilities provided.

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta