One of the great things about the Chaine des Rotisseurs, a fine dining appreciation group based in France but enjoyed all over the world, is the fact that as a member you can join magnificent dinners all over the world, if you get organised in time! Here in Indonesia, it is very easy to get organised and to enjoy the exceptional fare that is on offer here since we have not one but two great destinations and within the destinations, a total of six  experienced and talented groups creating marvellous dinners!

The two destinations are of course, Bali and Jakarta, and between them the choices for the very top end of dining are quite magnificent. The Jakarta Bailliage held its year endChapitre Gala in the magnificent KunstkringPalais Restaurant in December to glowing accolades all round, and we recently got the Bali Baillaiage report on their dinner as follows:

“Maybe the 24 Italian exotic supercars lined up imperiously at the resort entrance should have given us an idea of just what a privileged, chic and stylish experience we were all about to enjoy.

Maybe just the legendary name of the famous, iconic resort should have provided us with an inkling of the culinary creative cuisine we were all about to sample.

Or maybe, it was just that this was the final event of 2016 for the Chaîne Bali and was always billed to be the pinnacle of our annual programme of fine dining and fine wining.

Though, nothing could have prepared us for the exceptionally enjoyable and stylish evening we experienced as guests of General Manager Alfonso Romero and his uber-modern, ultra-talented team at JuMaNa, Banyan Tree, Ungasan, Bali.

JuMaNa occupies a dramatic and breath-taking location, perched cliff side over the Indian Sea. With views to mesmerise and hypnotise, JuMaNa deserves its reputation as one of Bali’s most impressive and exclusive resorts.

It wasn’t long before we were aware that this was truly to be an evening of delicate, considered and impeccably rehearsed dining excellence.

Guests were welcomed with a choice of succulent canapés and cocktails before being invited to take our seats at tables that had been prepared with the minute’s detail and laid up with precision usually reserved only for Royal Banquets.

The first course of our 7-course menu was presented by a brigade of young, excited and immaculately groomed waiting staff.”

If you are interested in having some of the best meals available in Indonesia in the company of like-minded food afficionados, why not contact us soon and join before the year gets underway. In Jakarta there will be at least six exceptional dinners in 2017 at a different venue every time – well worth the experience.

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta