The 2016 Indonesia Theater Federation Awards Night was held successfully on 26 December at Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta. This annual event has entered its 11th anniversary organized by Indonesia Theater Federation (FTI) as an institution that consistently pays attention to the development of modern theatre in the country which builds awareness of the importance of giving appreciation to the theatre workers.

Ciputra Receives Maecenas FTI Award (2)

One of the highest awards, Maecenas FTO 2016 was given to the Dr. (HC) Ir. Ciputra who is well-known as a founder and main leader of Ciputra Business Group. Maecenas FTI is an award given to all elements of society who do not work in the artistic field (arts) but have contributed very significantly to the dynamics and development of the arts, especially theatre, art performance and culture in general. Some figures who have received the award include Jakob Oetama (2011), Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X (2012), Victor Hartono (2013), Sapta Nirwandar (2014) and Dedi Mulyadi (2015).

One of the biggest supports from Ciputra in strengthening Indonesian arts is by establishing Ciputra Artpreneur, the only Indonesia’s art center that has international-standard theatre. It has a gallery that can be used for various events and a museum that presents private collections of Ciputra’s contemporary and modern artworks. Ciputra once said that he wanted to combine the art world and entrepreneurship by building the art center as a place for artists and art workers to create their masterpieces and for all Indonesians to enjoy both local and international arts.

Ciputra Receives Maecenas FTI Award (1)

The award judges were Amoroso Katamsi, Ratna Riantiarno, Slamet Rahardjo, Putu Wijaya and the FTI President Radhar Panca Dahana who gave the award to the senior theatre figure from Yogyakarta, Azwar A.N. for his dedication in art. And for the first time in this year, the board of judges also awarded “Abdi Abadi”, an award for a lifetime dedication that was given to Rudolf Puspa. Rudolf Puspa was chosen for staging more than 1,500 theaters, directing over 600 senior and junior high schools, college theater groups, training with language centres in all Indonesian provinces, as well as delivering 525 workshops both in the country and overseas.

The event presented performances from DJ Duo, Damien, a monologue by Mertiz Hindra, Usman Jefri dance, and musical performances. Art enthusiasts could also enjoy various artistic activities such as photo exhibition by FTI and discussion on “Responsibilities of Theatre, What and Who”.

Sari Widiati

Sari Widiati

Sari has been an arts and culture enthusiast for many years. She has written extensively on the arts, travel, and social issues as Features Writer at NOW! Jakarta.