Bubur Ase: A Special Betawi Porridge

At the beginning of the 20th century, bubur ase was a popular food among Batavia residences and was a mainstay for Betawi society. A bowl of this special rice porridge, full of nutritious condiments, warmed stomachs and provided sustenance for the day. Other than being a favourite breakfast meal, the dish is an example of

Doha: Honouring History in an Ultra-Modern City

Qatar, powered by the great wealth of their natural resources, have since channeled their endowments into growing its cities and experiences, transforming this Middle-east nation into something of the future. Now, old desert forts contrast the hyper-modern cityscapes, especially that of Doha, the capital and hub of Qatar’s evolution. TouchIng down at the Hamad International

Pasar Baru: Jakarta’s Historic Shopping Arcade

Specifically built by the Dutch Colonial government to accommodate the shopping cravings of European and Dutch elites in Batavia, Pasar Baru — or Passer Baroe, as it was called then — became a melting pot of communities and ethnicities, from Chinese, Indians, Europeans, and even Malays. Considered the city’s oldest shopping arcade, Pasar Baru continues

BASAibu Wiki: Conserving Indonesia’s Local Dialects through Digitisation

There are 718 identified native languages in this multi-tribal country of Indonesia, making it the second most linguistically diverse country in the world, after Papua New Guinea. The diversity of languages reflects the incontestable wealth of differing ways of life, and thus cultures and identity. But the nation’s big concern is that these native languages,

Buku Betawi: Palang Pintu, A Unique Betawi Proposal Tradition

Palang Pintu is one of the unique Betawi wedding traditions, seen as the test of ‘approval’ that the groom must receive from the bride and indeed her family. It is imbued with symbolism and is a tradition that showcases the different facets of Betawi culture. For Betawi men, there are a series of ‘tests’ that must

Episode Gading Serpong Hosts a Two-Day Wedding Open House

Experience a 2-day wedding open house at Hotel Episode Gading Serpong and don’t miss out the chance to discover a range of exclusive offers from curated wedding vendors, exciting activities, special offers, and benefits for beloved couples.  Wedding Open House returns at the Hotel Episode Gading Serpong with the theme Love Around the World. This

Gambang Kromong: Cultural Acculturation in Traditional Betawi Music

A merging of a Javanese and Sundanese gamelan orchestra, Gambang Kromong has a unique sound and distinct timbre. This comes from the various music instruments originating from the acculturation of Indonesian and Chinese traditional music. A synergistic relationship between ethnicities will produce a beautiful harmony in life. That’s the moral that can be taken from

Pekojan: Jakarta’s Historic Arab Village

Pekojan is a historic district or kecamatan in West Jakarta. Considered the city’s original Arab village, it is a prime example of the rich ethnic diversity found in Jakarta and how different communities created their own landmarks and cultural treasures over time. Back when Jakarta was still under Dutch colonial rule, known at the time

Healing through Harps and Harmonies at the Grotto Healing Boutique

A one-of-a-kind holistic healing destination in Jakarta utilises the relaxing sounds of the harp, an instrument of ethereal qualities. Offering a great antidote to the stress and intensity of a city, Grotto Healing Boutique invites patrons to embrace the calming and healing abilities of sound and music. In many classical orchestra performances in Indonesia, the beautiful

New Wildlife Discoveries at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

At Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, the Jagat Satwa Nusantara presents a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the country’s most vibrant and exotic birds, reptiles, freshwater creatures and even insects. The recently revamped space welcomes adds to the attractions worth visiting in east Jakarta. / Photos courtesy of Jagat Satwa

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