Since it first started operating in 2014, life insurance company PT FWD Life Indonesia (FWD Life) has been utilizing digital platforms for its business through the sales paperless platform and digitizing the insurance purchase experience to policy issuance through the use of tablets and utilize the payment gateway. In early 2016, FWD Life launched Digital Agency, a mobile application that supports agents in all aspects of their business process, from sales to recruitment and training.

FWD Life recently came forth with yet another innovation in digital technology by launching “Click To Meet”, a new and convenient way for customers to connect with insurance agents. The online feature, which was launched on 20 April, is available on FWD Life’s website It provides flexibility for customers to choose an agent to match their own personal passion, personality and profile. Customers also have the freedom to select the location and determine the time of the meeting with the agent.

FWD Life President Director Rudi Kamdani explained that FWD Life has taken the time to understand the current public perception toward insurance agents, and hence has set out to introduce a new and better customer experience when engaging with insurance agents. Rudi also believes that the new feature can support the improvement of financial literacy in Indonesia, where agents play an important role in providing education on insurance matters.

The financial literacy level is currently still at 29.6 percent and lags behind Indonesia’s neighbour countries in Southeast Asia. Moreover, FWD Life strives to support the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to realize the Inclusive Finances National Strategy, for which the government has set a 75% target for 2019.

Sari Widiati

Sari Widiati

Sari has been an arts and culture enthusiast for many years. She has written extensively on the arts, travel, and social issues as Features Writer at NOW! Jakarta.