The Hotel Public Relations Association (H3), an organisation for public relations and communication professionals in Indonesian tourism sector held a seminar and national conference ‘H3 Summit 2023’ with the theme “The Role of Hotel Public Relations in Facing Indonesian Tourism Prospects in 2024” on Monday, 25 September 2023 at Balairung Soesilo Soedarman, Sapta Pesona Building, Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy, Republic of Indonesia.

According to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, despite the pandemic, Indonesian tourism has managed to grow consistently as one of the most sought after travel destinations in the world. The predicted growth of Indonesian tourism in 2024 is a very appealing prospect to discuss. This summit discussed the important role that Hotel Public Relations take to further improve our travel industry from the perspective of hotel industry players, media and content creators.

The line-up for the lead speakers at this summit was studded with a list of experts such as Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A., M.B.A. as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Syaifullah, S.E., M.ECPh.D as Director of Industrial Management, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and other government officials in the Tourism and Creative Industry sector. Dr. Ir. Hariyadi BS Sukamdani, M.M. as the Chairman of the Indonesian Hotel & Restaurant Association (PHRI), along with Prita Kemal Gani as President ASEAN PR Network, Carlos Monterde as Chairman of the Jakarta Hotel Association, Cita Hepiningtias as Chair of Public Relations of the Indonesian Hotel General Manager Association/IHGMA and other prominent guests such as H3 members, top leaders in the hotel industry, allied public relations organisations, and the media. 

Seminar activities are divided into four sessions that dissect the role of hotel public relations from the perspective of three points of view; the hotel industry players, media and content creators. The first session was opened with speakers from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, BUMN officials in the tourism industry and the biggest organisation in the hotel industry, PHRI. This session unveiled the development of tourism programs that will launch in 2023 and further discussed the role and work of Public Relation and Marketing in the industry. 

The second session began with speakers representing Jakarta Hotel Association (JHA) & Indonesian Hotel General Manager Association (IHGMA) conferring the development of their association and convey their point of view in regards to the role of PR and the importance of the associations. The last and third session was a panel discussion with media professionals consisting of its prominent leaders, sharing their experiences and collaborative relationships with PR and Marketing Communication practitioners within the hotel industry. 

Last and fourth session was filled with content creators sharing their experiences and insights in collaborating with Hotel Public Relations to create good content and help promote hotels and their destinations. The sessions in this summit covered all the important issues that could be improved to help further develop the tourism industry through the role of hotel PR and Marketing Communication professionals. From utilising digital channels and social media as new tools for promotion, maintaining collaborations between hotel players with media and content creators. 

The H3 Summit series then ended with a National Conference which was attended by the founders, supervisors, administrators and members of H3 to emphasise that the Indonesian Hotel Public Relations Association is a professional public relations organisation in the hotel industry that has a Legal Entity, as well as being a momentum for the inauguration of the H3 Yogyakarta Branch Management Board and Surabaya. This activity is also held in the framework of World Tourism Day, which is celebrated every September 27. 

Yulia Maria, as Chair of H3 for the 2022-2024 period, expressed the need for this H3 Summit, “The H3 Summit is an important moment in the annual agenda of the Hotel Public Relations Association. We have worked hard to put together a useful, informative and inspiring program to share the latest insights, best practices and emerging opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry. In this seminar activity, we will explore various aspects of public communication and public relations management in the context of hotels and tourism. It is hoped that the 2023 H3 Summit will raise awareness of all parties, not only hotel leaders but also PR/public relations individuals themselves.”

The Hotel Public Relations Association or H3 is a professional public relations and communications organisation with a legal entity, it has been around for almost 28 years, was inaugurated on November 27 1995 by Andi Mappi Sammeng – Director General of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia at the time. On March 17 2023, H3 officially became a legal professional public relations and communications organisation in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-000.2580.AH.01.07 in 2023.

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The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta