Clean Up Jakarta Day returns this year to educate people about the detrimental effects of littering, and to groom citizens who are responsible and concerned about the cleanliness of the capital.
Last year’s Clean Up Jakarta Day – also held in October – saw over 10,000 volunteers at 37 locations around Jakarta coming together at the crack of dawn to get their hands dirty, proving that the spirit of teamwork (gotong royong) is still very much alive. This year’s clean-up will be held on Sunday, 16 October and is set to be even bigger, with an estimated 20,000 volunteers joining together at over 50 locations to raise awareness of Jakarta’s rubbish problems. Volunteers are educated prior to the big day to separate waste found into bags of recyclable and non-recyclable material. The recyclables will be donated to waste banks (bank sampah) across Jakarta while the non-recyclable rubbish will be taken to the appropriate rubbish tip. Waste from sites in Tangerang will be collected by Santa Fe Relocators and taken to Abu&Co., a non-governmental waste management company, who will further sort, recycle, compost and incinerate the remaining waste. Trash will be collected in reused sugar sacks donated by Coca Cola Amatil while volunteers will be wearing safety gloves sponsored by PT Trakindo Utama and Danone Aqua. Other cities have started their official Clean Up Days in conjunction with Clean Up Jakarta Day. Clean Up Bandung Day and Clean Up Tabalong Day will also be held on October 16 this year. Volunteers from Trash Hero in Bali and Lombok will organize smaller clean-ups at the same time to show their support for the cause.
To volunteer, please visit
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