Jakarta’s glossy high-rise buildings are a reflection of the city’s modernity and power. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that skyscrapers are the source of inspiration that provoke ideas and dreams for many people. This month, we invited NOW! Jakarta’s readers to capture their favourite skyscraper moment in Jakarta through our Photo Competition. Here are the two winners whose photographs have, in our opinion, perfectly captured the essence and spirit of the city.

Kushboo Harjani
Title: Jakarta Skyscrapers During Sunset

“This photograph was actually taken from the rooftop of my apartment. I am a photographer, and I must mention that I have a weakness for sunsets and skylines in general. A sunset with the skyline of home in one frame enhances the whole feeling even more. I consider myself very lucky to be able to see the skyline whenever I want to, every time with a different outlook. However, this particular image has a special place in my heart, because, in spite of seeing different kinds of sunsets every day, in my opinion there has been no sunset as mesmerizing as this particular one.”

Muhammad Eko Prasetyo
Title: Rain in Town

“I knew about this photo competition through Instagram and was excited to take part because I personally love to take photos of skylines and skyscrapers. This photo was taken on a Sunday afternoon, after the rain had been pouring down around the area of Grand Indonesia, Jakarta. The sun was coming out from behind the clouds, giving a warm tone to the buildings, the sky and surrounding area. The drops of water on the glass window added a sense of serenity to the scene, describing a relaxed afternoon in Jakarta. I would like to thank NOW! Jakarta for choosing me as a winner of this competition, keep spreading the good words and inspiration!”

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta