AWA Angel Tree Luncheon Flyer

The American Women’s Association (AWA) of Indonesia will be hosting their 17th Annual Angel Tree Luncheon fundraiser on Tuesday, 19 September 2023, held at The American Club.

This year’s main beneficiary will be Pa Van der Steur Orphanage, established in 1892 to care for children across Indonesia who have lost their parents or whose parents are unable to provide for them. Currently, they have 37 children under their care. Taking the theme of ‘Fall & Festive’, the event starts at 11am where guests are invited to mingle before the lunch begins. There will be a short presentation from the main beneficiary, plus entertainment, including a special angklung performance by members of the Indonesian Heritage Society. Raffles and silent auctions, raising money for the charity, will continue through the event.

Tickets are priced at IDR 700.000, inclusive of buffet lunch with variety of appetisers, main courses, grills and vegetarian options, with coffee and tea also available. Cash bar will be available for those wish.

For tickets: | @awaindonesia

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

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