Romantic dinner, the movies or afternoon coffee? Everybody has their own idea of what a memorable first date should look like. Here are some answers:

Rain Chudori
Writer and founder of literary journal “The Murmur House” Rain Chudori is lucky enough to already have experienced her perfect first date:

“The best date I’ve ever had is with my current partner, Max. I was visiting Essen for a night, and I met him in the bookstore, Proust, where he worked. My mom was holding a reading there, and while the event went on, we talked and got to know each other. After the reading, we decided to go for drinks (instead of the celebratory dinner). We went to a local bar, Gold Bar, had a few drinks, and talked about literature, art, cinema, and ourselves. After that we took a walk, it was the middle of autumn, and the city was empty and covered in lights. I was quite sleepy and he ended up carrying me around the block. We ended up talking at his apartment while listening to records until 4 am, and I only left because I had a train to catch to Frankfurt at 8 am. It was a really simple, beautiful fortuitous date.”

Sandhy Sondoro
Indonesian singer and songwriter Sandhy Sondoro kept it classic, short and sweet:

“A perfect first date would be a dinner – a home-cooked meal – at our own apartment, with a glass of wine and listening to soul music.”

Lala Bohang
Artist and illustrator Lala Bohang fondly remembers her perfect date, and reminds us that often, beauty lies in simple, unassuming things:

“It was a weekday. We didn’t know where to go and we didn’t have any plan except to spend the whole day with each other. So, we decided to go on a motorcycle trip – it wasn’t  hot that day so it was perfect. He took me on a hill ride; the road was damaged, covered with big rocks. My butt hurt because of the chaotic bumping around on the motorcycle. He said he wanted to take me to this hidden field. When we arrived there was nothing there except this empty and strange looking building with windows along the facade. After exploring the building we sat on the grass, facing a beautiful valley. We had random talks about aliens, the possibility of flying and the story of our prophet – is it true or just a tale? Afterwards, we went had nasi timbel for dinner and cheap coffee at a kedai kopi and called it a day. There was nothing fancy about that day, yet I still remember how it made me feel, the fresh air, and the green scenery in front of us.”

Katrin Figge

Katrin Figge

Katrin Figge is a previous editor of NOW! Jakarta. An experienced writer and avid bookworm.