For those who don’t know, Indonesia claimed itself as a country of law based on the 1945 Constitution. There are so many regulations applied here, including the ones about foreign workers. So, how do you apply for employment visa in Indonesia?

Photo courtesy of Pixabay/NOWJAKARTA
1. Make sure that your company is allowed to hire foreign workers
Before you can apply for the employment visa, your company must first have two kinds of permits. First is RPTKA (Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing – Foreign Workers Hiring Plan) and then the IMTA (Izin Menggunakan Tenaga Kerja Asing – Foreign Workers Hiring Permit). In order to apply for the RPTKA , companies must prepare several documents including the RPTKA application form, company’s incorporation document, tax document (NPWP), and business license (SIUP).
After the company received their RPTKA permit, they must apply for the notification for each foreign workers they have. To be able to get notification, companies are required to have several documents such as RPTKA, copy of employee’s passport, copy of the contract between the employee and the company, Bank Account statement, CV and several letters of application, and a receipt of DKP – TKA (Dana Kompensasi Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing or Skill and Development Fund) payment of US$1,200 per year.
The new systems will allow all the application to be done online and the notification from manpower linked to Immigration and we will get Billing code that we must pay within 30 days, and the telex visa will be issued.
As the payment done in Indonesia, the assignee would not need to pay in the designated embassy anymore, and once the assignee pick up the Telex, and enter Indonesia, the KITAS will be done at the airport and sent to the email.
It’s somehow easier and much simpler process, the only weakness is the online system sometimes are not perfect and only allow 200 applications a day and you must login early in the morning to get the quota.

Photo courtesy of Ministry of Manpower/NOWJAKARTA
2. Apply for Limited Stay Visa
If the company has received all necessary permits to hire foreign workers, both the company and the expat workers need to work together in order to apply for the Limited Stay Visa. The company must first received recommendation letter from the BKPM (Badan Koordinator Penanaman Modal or Investment Coordinating Board) to the Department of Immigration. The letter, along with other required documents such as copy of RPTKA, NPWP, SIUP, and other documents, then must be submitted to the Department of Immigration. On the other hand, the expat workers must prepare copy of passport, CV, university certificate, work certificate, health insurance, and colour photograph.
3. Apply for a KITAS
KITAS (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Terbatas or Limited Stay Card) is the most important document for foreign professionals to legally work in Indonesia. KITAS application can be sponsored by either Indonesian entities or an Indonesian spouse.
All of the above can be taken care of by the company where the foreign professionals work or by an agency certified by the Ministry of Manpower. Esti Lestari is one of the relocation specialists who has experience helping expats to settle in Indonesia. Starting from helping them find new house to assist them in taking care of the complicated immigration necessities, EMC Indonesia led by Esti can help expats settle in the country.
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