The wonderful Artotel Suites Bianti was the scene for the recent launch of a brand new and very important publication created by PT Jiwa Messa Nusantara,  in association with Phoenix Communications/NOW! Jakarta.

The idea behind the ‘Timeless’ series of magazines is to preserve, promote, protect and hopefully perpetuate the elements of life that exist uniquely in parts of the world and especially here in Indonesia. And so ‘Timeless Yogyakarta Volume I’, was conceived and the able hands of eminent art curator, historian, and cultural writer, Jean Couteau were placed on the tiller. 

And what an amazing collection of extraordinary tales he and his team of superb writers pieced together. The magazine is a mozaic of exceptional complexity and amazing depth, with each story reaching back into history to find the roots of the beliefs, traditions, events and ceremonies that until today, still power modern Yogyakarta. 

Each writer has a real knowledge and understanding of their own area of expertise and this shows through so well in the ease with which historical, cultural, religious and mystical references spring to their command, uncovering the very essence of life in Yogyakarta. 

A Vision and a Mission

Iwas my pleasure to work with our team of publishers, editors, and writers to establish what is destined to be, not just a publication, but an endless series of events and happenings which reflect our theme of “Timeless” Yogyakarta”, said Kanjeng Pangeran Haryo Wironegorothe patron of the program. “As you will read in virtually every story in the marvelous first edition, the history of our beloved city and province is deep and strewn with significant events: from wars to revelations, all building and crystallising the traditions on which Yogyakarta are built, and on which they run till today.

Our current King, His Majesty Sri Sultan HamengkuBawono X is a shining example of those who honour and uphold the traditions of the Provinceand , who interprets the lessons of the past for the benefit of the people, building prosperity through tradition, building consensus through consultation, and building care into all he oversees.“ he continued.

In fact Timeless Yogyakarta is not just this publication, which really only begins the story, focusing on history and tradition, but a whole series of events including art exhibitions, concerts, conference and seminars, workshops and podcast. This is just the beginning, after all ‘Timeless Yogyakarta’ is limitless, endless and eternal. 

The Launch Ceremony

The launch of the publication was honoured by the presence of Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Mangkubumi who delivered and impassioned speech about the importance of the history and traditions of Yogyakarta and how it can benefit the people through improved tourism. Her Royal Highness also emphasized that the heritage of Yogyakarta is being proposed to UNESCO to be officially recognized and a World Heritage Site. 

The Contents of the Publication

The history of Java, and really of Indonesia, is closely entwined with the history of Yogyakarta, and this is where the story starts to look at its significant moments starting with the Founder, Senopati. While it is not officially in the province of Yogyakarta, the Borobudur Temple is very much part of its spiritual history, and has great significance in Yogyakarta’s history. 

Yogyakarta is a very sophisticated but very complex place, but at its heart lies The Palace, and both the palace and the city have been planned based on deep philosophical principles which we explore here. But within the city lie gems like The Presidential Palace, all of which are included in this section. 

The magazine also celebrates Yogya’s total dedication to the arts, whether that is through paintings, sculpture, writing or music but especially the intricacies of dance, and how the city revolves around them.  The mythological history of Yogyakarta is deeply felt, and in the charming story of ‘The Giant Maidservant of Merapi’ all was explained! Then Gunung Kidul and the mythical-or real-figure of Ratu Kidul, the Queen of the South Seas were explained.

Modern Jogja, was also covered bur is far less deep and philosophical, than previous chapters, but very important for intending travellers, as changes in the town of Kasongan, were explored as was the train and plane journeys to the province, and some of the city’s great hotels

For more information on the publication and where to obtain your personal copy, please contact Richieta Lakeisha Aretha at

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta