Movies to Watch at the Science Film Festival and French Film Festival

A total of more than 100 films will be available to watch at Science Film Festival and French Film Festival. Clear up your calendar and come join the fun!
Science Film Festival by Goethe Institut
Under the title Humboldt And The Web Of Life, Germany Cultural Centre in Indonesia, Goethe Institut, is organising the 2019 Science Film Festival. The festival is aimed to illustrate the relevance of this complex approach in the 21st century, particularly for students and young people, and raise awareness on environmental issues, climate change and sustainability.

This year’s edition is held on 22 October – 24 November 2019. There will be 51 cities across Indonesia showing 83 films from 23 countries all over the world that will participate in the festival. They are divided into six categories: Family Edutainment; Natural Science, Life Science & Technology; Non-verbal & Science Shorts; Ecology & Environment; Culture & History; and a Focus Theme 2019 Humboldt and the Web of Life. There is also age-based category (5-8, 9-11, 12-16 and 17+ years old) so it will be easier for you to choose what film to watch and with whom you watch it.
For more information about the 2019 Science Film Festival: Humboldt and the Web of Life, visit
French Film Festival by IFI
First organised in 1996 by the French Institute of Indonesia (IFI), the Festival Sinema Prancis (French Film Festival) is the first foreign film festival and a major opportunity for Indonesians to discover the diversity and quality of French film production. After four years of interruption, this important meeting of the film's agenda returns with a strong evolution.

This year, Festival Sinema Prancis offers French works of all genres released in the past five years for you to enjoy. This edition of the film festival will be presented in 25 venues in 15 cities and will be held simultaneously on 6 to 10 November.
For more information about Festival Sinema Prancis 2019, visit
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