Ramsay Sime Darby Premier Bintaro Hospital provides an advanced musculoskeletal healthcare at its Department of Orthopaedics, open for patients who need consulting and comprehensive treatments related to orthopaedic issues.

Dr. Jefri Sukmawan, Sp.OT, Orthopaedic Surgeon and Specialist.Photo by Raditya Fadilla/NOW!JAKARTA

What is your responsibility right now as an orthopaedic surgeon and specialist at Premier Bintaro Hospital?

I have been working as an orthopaedic surgeon and specialist handling musculoskeletal disorders related to muscle, ligaments, joints and other issues related to bone structure. We are currently developing treatments in Sports Clinic to handle people with injuries from recreational to professional sports. I have also been expanding my knowledge by attending international courses, seminars and certifications to make sure we have better and progressive orthopaedic related healthcare.

What does the Department of Orthopaedics at Premier Bintaro Hospital offer to people with musculoskeletal issues? 

The Department of Orthopaedics here is the centre of excellence for comprehensive orthopaedic healthcare where the holistic treatment is done with ten certified specialists. Here, we have specific orthopaedic divisions, such as sports clinic, spine centre, hand clinic, pediatric and adult reconstruction. The medical department keeps integrating better technology to optimize our treatment. This includes the latest advancement for arthroscopic surgery as a minimally invasive surgery that inflicts less pain thanks to small incisions, comes with minimum risk of side effects and faster recovery. Not many hospitals and experts are able to practice this method, and we have it here. 

What do people need to know about orthopaedic being a crucial factor for human structure and physical condition?

There is still a stigma that orthopaedics means having a surgery. There’s no need to worry since the treatment can also be done without surgery. People with injury must be treated properly by medical experts and refrain from using traditional treatment such as massages or natural healing because those treatments could cause swelling and inflammation instead of healing.

How can people improve their understanding of orthopaedic treatment in order to improve their health?

Besides regular exercise and nutrition planning, we have to know our individual profile, such as our age, health condition and body function. We have to care more about the history of the injury and decide on the right exercise and intensity level for us to take. Orthopaedic disorders definitely affects our athletic capacity. Those who have sustained injury need to understand the type of injury (acute or chronic) and level of injury (mild or severe) which would later determine the best treatment for patients. The aim is so people could go back to do sports and activities normally.


This article is originally from paper. Read NOW!Jakarta Magazine July 2019 issue “Health, Sports, and Recreation”. Available at selected bookstores or SUBSCRIBE here.

Rintang Azhar

Rintang Azhar

Rintang is a previous staff writer for NOW! with experience in hard news and lifestyle journalism. He specialises in art, design, culture, fashion, environmental, and urban issues.