The newest attraction at the National Museum of Indonesia, Ruang Imserfia (the immersive room) invites visitors to enter and interact with a vibrant, 360-degree, audio-visual experience of Indonesia’s history and cultural heritage.

Found on the Ground Floor of Gedung A in the National Museum of Indonesia (Museum Nasional), Ruang Imersifa is a 12 by 21 metre room of colour, imagination and illusion. Inside this world of wonder is a permanent video-mapping installation where the walls, floors and ceilings are brought to life. Powered by 20 Panasonic projectors, a booming surround sound system, Ruang Imersifa’s display is a space for visitors to walk, her, see and feel this unique experience of Indonesia. It is a medium through which all generations can enjoy the cultural offerings and the glimpses of history.

For 30-minutes, visitors are brought on a digital adventure, a journey through time in the context of Indonesia. The video begins with stories from prehistoric times, featuring lives of early humans, flora, then fast-forwards to the battle between Ganesha and Nila Rudraka as they fight against the backdrop of Prambanan and Borobudur. The feature then continues to explore Indonesia’s four seafaring tribes, and tells the history of the National Museum, from its founding to its current collections that are found across its exhibitions.

Then, visitors are invited to get to know the modern era and the future which is filled with various advanced technologies and tools, from futuristic transportation and sophisticated robotics. No less interesting, video mapping presents animated images of nature, sea and space filled with stars. The series of videos closes with a song that carries a message about the harmony of life in diversity. It’s an eclectic collection, or anthology even, of different stories and videos that aim to present a broad representation of Indonesia’s past, present and future.

Ruang Imersifa is an initial introductory method to get into Indonesian history and culture in a contemporary way. You can take your family and loved ones to experience this interactive attraction before exploring the National Museum to discover its more than 1,400 collections. The experience’s audio is presented in Bahasa Indonesia for the moment, but subtitles are provided in English.

Ruang Imersifa is open Wednesday to Sunday (Monday, Tuesday, and public holidays are closed) and available for eight sessions per day, from 9:20 am to 3 pm. Quota is limited to 35 people per session. 

Visitors can purchase the tickets through and before visiting the National Museum, make sure to download the e-ticket that is sent to the email after the payment process. Or, please contact +62 812 1294 3314 or +62 812 1294 3181. 

National Museum Indonesia
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 12
+62 21 3868172

Sari Widiati

Sari Widiati

Sari has been an arts and culture enthusiast for many years. She has written extensively on the arts, travel, and social issues as Features Writer at NOW! Jakarta.