GAIA Hotel & Resorts donates personal protective equipment (PPE) to medical personnel in Bandung and Yogyakarta to support their work in handing the Covid-19. Photo courtesy of GAIA Hotel & Resorts/NOW!JAKARTA

Hospitality brand, GAIA Hotels & Resorts provided PPE assistance for medical personnel as a form of concern to the Covid-19 handling, helping the front liners to have a proper and decent personal protective gear during their work in handling the Covid-19 patients in the hospital. As a form of concern to the further impact due to the pandemic, the hospitality company hopes that the donation could support the Covid-19 relief in the best way possible. 

GAIA Hotels & Resorts provides PPE assistance to referral hospitals and health care centre (Puskesmas) in Bandung and also Yogyakarta where the properties, The GAIA Bandung and GAIA are located. 

In Bandung, GAIA donated PPE to a number of health care institutions including Advent Hospital and Al Islam Hospital. While in Yogyakarta, Panti Rini Hospital, Bethesda Hospital, and Puskesmas Kotagede got the donation from GAIA. 

The representative of GAIA Hotels & Resorts, Ivan Andries, handed over the donation to the representative from each hospital and health centre. "The hospitality industry is one of many many industries affected by COVID-19, we are committed to doing our best in supporting and helping the community around us," Andries said.

Through this assistance, GAIA Hotels & Resorts is also helping SMEs by collaborating with the micro-business focusing on garment and tailoring to produce the PEE. 

This donation is also a form of appreciation, care, and support to the medical workers who have performed a noble task in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, hoping that the donation could fulfill the need for personal protective equipment that will protest who risk their own lives on the front line.

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta