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Follow and join their interesting and attractive talkshow series Humans vs Virus. Photo courtesy of

The recent ‘working from home’ or ‘stay at home’ regulations to sever the spread of the corona virus, forces humans to find alternative ways to stay connected with what’s happening around them. Those who are usually on their social media now on can take advantage of Instagram channels to listen, even engage in interesting and attractive talkshow series held by Disrupto ( 

As a forward-thinking community that provides a platform to invite people to think innovatively and built bright ideas for the future, in addition to stimulate technological advances, Disrupto has created a new series titled Humans vs Virus to discuss how the Covid-19 rewrite the rule of our life and how we can fight the turmoil with technology and science to save our humanity. 

Through its Instagram profile, we can stay tune on its Instagram Live Updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 pm. With a different theme each time, Disrupto also presents various prominent speakers hosted by Disrupto’s Project Director, Yasha Chatab. 

“Humans vs Virus” Talks on Disrupto
Photo courtesy of

As their first live update, Disrupto brought special guest Chief Strategic Officer of Provetic, Shafiq Pontoh as he spoke about How Coronavirus Will Rewrite Our Future (25 March). Shafiq talked about how the pandemic is changing our relationship to the world and affecting how we use the internet, transforming it from a simple source of entertainment to a vital lifeline that allows us to keep in touch with colleagues, family and friends through virtual reality as those ways are considered as our future. 

The contagious nature of coronavirus also made us become individualistic and reluctant to interact with others physically. And self-quarantine that has cut us off from the community and lose our sense as a social being also discussed on 27 March with appointed humanitarian Yenny Wahid. The talk is titled Navigating Crisis with A Sense of Humanity. 

The issue of the usage of artificial intelligence or social robot to cope the loneliness was also presented as the channel invited the Co-Founder of Furhat Robotics, Preben Wik on 30 March. In the discussion, Wik explained how the world’s most advanced social robots can do social functions, simply can accompany elderlies in their daily life of just do the humans’ activities. 

The detail schedule as well as the speakers will be posted on its Instagram profile. You can also participate in delivering questions for each session. 

Follow Instagram account for your dose of riveting talkshows and insights on current innovative thoughts. 

Sari Widiati

Sari Widiati

Sari has been an arts and culture enthusiast for many years. She has written extensively on the arts, travel, and social issues as Features Writer at NOW! Jakarta.