Maja Healing Bali Kartika Alexandra

Maja Healing is one of the Bali’s most sought-after practices for holistic healing. Utilising a variety of healing modalities, they have been able to attend to an incredibly wide range of ailments experienced by their clients, often coming to them after “trying everything else without any success.”

Mental and emotional strains have the ability to impede our everyday lives, yet, despite its importance, few of us are taught what it means to have good ‘mental hygiene’. As a result, we can find ourselves stressed, overwhelmed, depressed, or perhaps adopting negative behavioural patterns.

For many, certain practices are quickly deemed too esoteric for the ‘modern world’. However, when it comes to the mind, there are still many mysteries, and actually science has begun to prove the benefits of certain disciplines.

Meditation is the best example of this. Once dismissed as a practice for either the devout or the bohemian, it has found its way into the mainstream, touting a range of real benefits from improving sleep, attention and memory; reducing chronic pain, blood pressure and cortisol secretion (the hormone linked to stress) thus reducing stress-associated issues like heart-disease. These have been backed by both brain scans and biometric data, i.e. science!

Yes, the mind is where many of our woes are found, especially in this day and age. The effects of such ailments extending beyond the confines of our thoughts and feelings, manifesting in real physical ways across the body. The roots of such conditions are not always obvious, and ipso facto, neither are the solutions. Practices like breathwork or somatic healing have provided breakthroughs where more conventional means have not. Despite successes these practices are still considered cases of ‘you have to try it to believe it.’

The power of hypnotherapy 

Though relatively under the radar, Maja Healing is one of the Bali’s most sought-after practices for holistic healing. Utilising a variety of healing modalities, they have been able to attend to an incredibly wide range of ailments experienced by their clients, often coming to them after “trying everything else without any success.”

The professional therapists at Maja Healing provide a range of services from counselling, art therapy, bodywork, shadow work to energy work. However, the bulk of clients come for Holistic Healing Hypnosis, an integrative hypnotherapy approach created by founder Kartika Alexandra, under whom Maja’s hypnotherapists have trained.

This is used, alongside other modalities, to treat patients suffering from anxiety and depression, addiction and phobia, grief and blocks, self-esteem or sexual performance — the list goes on. What’s most intriguing is that often clients may not fully understand their own condition. Root causes can manifest in strange symptoms: digestive issues stemming from compounded stress; undesirable behavioural patterns from deep-rooted negative beliefs; sudden performance anxieties from buried past traumas.

Maja Healing Bali Kartika Alexandra
Processed with Lensa with Auto Adjustments

Kartika explains that the root of many problems exist in one’s sub-conscious, and hypnotherapy is a tool to bypass the conscious mind and navigate — together with the client — a deeper layer to identify the true source of an affliction, like a mental detective. Bringing buried or deep-set issues back to the forefront helps to relieve the mind and body of the ‘obstruction’, allowing the mind or body to operate properly again. Mainstream methods often attend to the symptoms, whilst Maja’s approach reveals often abstract origins of such debilitating issues, even if obscure.

Bodywork, or somatic healing, works in a similar way, whereby mental or emotional trauma is stored in certain parts of the body, which must be identified and released. This field is best described in the book ‘The Body Keeps the Score’. Maja Healing offers this service alongside their hypnotherapy. 

Kartika is joined by a wide-ranging team, all personally invited to join Maja Healing; professionals and experts who are passionate about their calling to help others. Their different backgrounds — from behavioural psychologist to sports consultant to osteopath — address the needs of many, with services expanding to energy healing, emotion code and more, depending on the needs of a client. Their goal is that clients will not have to return to see them, with mild cases taking only a single session, deeper cases requiring a few more. At their peaceful centre in the quaint neighbourhood of Umalas, they open their doors to those looking for help, especially when it cannot be found elsewhere.

The local Indonesian community remains one of Maja Healing’s top priorities, with imminent plans to launch the Holistic Healing Hypnosis certification course in Bahasa Indonesia. Through their Maja Care program, the team offers therapy on a donation basis to Indonesian people who would not otherwise be able to afford it.

Maja Healing
Jl. Umalas II No.74, Kerobokan, Kuta Utara, Bali
+62 813 3972 2228 | @majahealing  

Edward Speirs

Edward Speirs

Edward, or Eddy as he prefers to be called, is the Head of Publishing of the NOW! Magazine, and the host of the NOW! Bali Podcast. He enjoys photography, rural travel and loves that his work introduces him to people from all walks of life.