The Java St. Andrew Society (JSAS) was founded in 1919 and has had a continued active presence in Jakarta since—bar of the interruption of World War 2. The Society aims to celebrate Scotland and all things Scottish here in Jakarta and is open to everyone who wishes to joins in such celebrations.

From smaller gatherings for a wee swallie to ceremonious extravaganzas such as the annual JSAS Charity Ball it provides opportunities for everyone to raise their glasses and toast Bonnie Scotland, as well as just have a great evening among friends.

2018-19 represents the Sociey’s centenary year and it is looking to host some spectacular celebration. JSAS’s forthcoming events are a golf match versus England on 25 August,  whisky tasting and a social evening on 14 September and the highlight of 2018, the St Andrew’s Ball on 24 November. Next year will kick off with a very traditional event, the Burn’s Supper, to be held on 25 January 2019.

So, if you hail from Scotland, have worked or studied there, have a passion for all things Scottish or are just interested in enjoying some of the best evenings in Jakarta,  sign up to be a member of the Society and receive regular news about what is going on with JSAS. Membership is free.

For more details about events or to join the Java St Andrew’s Society please contact the Chieftain, Bill Gray, on

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NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta