Technology brand Lemonilo has partnered with SMEs around Indonesia to launch the ‘Healthy Café & Ropang Movement’, which offers instant noodles made with natural ingredients at an affordable price.

 Priced from IDR 18,000,  Lemonilo has partnered with SMEs around Indonesia to launch the ‘Healthy Café & Ropang Movement’ to use the product as healthy ingredients for dining menu in restaurant around Jakarta.
Photo courtesy of Lemonilo/NOW!JAKARTA

The movement aims to provide an alternative to mainstream options and is in response to rising obesity rates in Jakarta which is partly blamed on poor nutrition. According to the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), high obesity rates in Jakarta are a result of unhealthy dietary habits and an increase in consumption of junk food coupled with a generally sedentary lifestyle.

The Ministry of Health reported that Jakarta ranked first among all provinces in Indonesia in obesity rates which was around 39.7 per cent in 2016 (Renstra Kemenkes data 2015 – 2019).

The movement targets restaurants and ropang, local cafes that focus on selling short eats such as instant noodle dishes which are especially popular thanks to their low prices. However, these dishes have a high concentration of artificial ingredients that may be harmful. Lemonilo makes healthy food more accessible for mid-level consumers as the number of restaurants at this level offering healthy menus is quite limited.

Lemonilo fried noodle.
Cooking demo using Lemonilo healthy instant noodle.

Lemonilo’s noodles are free of artificial preservatives, dyes, and MSG. Lemonilo and its restaurant partners organise events that promote a healthy lifestyle though its products. Presently, Lemonilo has partnered with What’s Up Café, Department of Juicetice, Warung Overtaste, Farmer’s Bowl, Roti Eneng, Kolary Coffee, and Medifit. Lemonilo also welcomes other culinary entrepreneurs to participate in this campaign.

“We hope that by providing healthier options in restaurants that have not previously offered a healthy menu, Indonesians can start leading a healthier lifestyle. The prices of healthy food are also very affordable,” said Shinta Nurfauzia, CEO Lemonilo.

With the “Healthy Café & Ropang Movement”, Lemonilo hopes that Indonesians can change their lifestyle by choosing healthful and more affordable options. Lemonilo noodles is priced from IDR 18,000.

Lemonilo noodle creation.

For those who want to partner with Lemonilo, visit their website:

Rintang Azhar

Rintang Azhar

Rintang is a previous staff writer for NOW! with experience in hard news and lifestyle journalism. He specialises in art, design, culture, fashion, environmental, and urban issues.