An Evening to Remember with Lúčnica – The Slovak National Folklore Ballet and Sound of Orchestra.

Located in the very heart of Europe, Slovakia’s small size is possibly its biggest attraction. The picturesque country is proud of its rich folklore and folk tradition and the artistic ensemble Lúčnica perfectly reflects Slovakia’s unique culture. Founded in 1948 and  building an artistic bridge between the past and the present, Lúčnica consists of almost 2000 members, most of whom are students of the colleges and universities in Bratislava. Under the guidance of artistic director and choreographer Prof. Štefan Nosáľ, Lúčnica presents stage adaptations combining dance with instrumental and vocal music, enchanting audiences both at home and abroad with colorful costumes, a dynamic spirit and honest excitement. Ten dancers and ten musicians of Lúčnica were recently in Jakarta to mark Slovakia’s National Day and for an additional performance at Dutch cultural centre Erasmus Huis. In front of an enthusiastic crowd, Lúčnica performed twelve different pieces: Zlaté husle/ Golden Violin, Vyhadzovaná/ Tossing Dance, Goralskie muzycy/ Mountain Music, Hrnčiarsky čardáš/ Potter’s Csardas, Šarišské obmeny /Music Metamorphosis from Šariš, Fľaškový a Polka/ Bottles Dance and Polka, Prednícka trojhra/ Violin Masters Trio, Dve piesne z Podpoľania/ Two folk songs with “Fujara”, Na detvianskych lazoch/ Detva Festival, Cigánske tance/ Gypsy Dances, Balockí Predníci/ Violin Masters of Balog, and Horehronci/ Men of the Horehronie Region.

“It takes great effort to prepare this show, we rehearse three times a week, and each training lasts for three hours,” Peter Jurišta, one of Lúčnica’s ballet dancers, told NOW! Jakarta. He added that  Lúčnica is invited to perform all around the world around 40 times each year mostly in Slovakia, and for each performance, an ensemble of 30 dancers, 15 musicians, and five singers are needed. It was an evening to remember: the music and the swift movements of the dancers were completely in sync, at all times, while the complex footwork showed their amazing technical skills. Female ballerinas with sweeping skirts and bright smiles lit up the stage, their male partners ready to lift and spin them around gracefully – both during upbeat, energetic dances and calmer, slower pieces. It was more than a mere performance – both dancers and musicians seemed to put their hearts into the show. “We just want to make people happy,” Peter said. “Sharing our national folklore through music and dance is our main mission.”

Asyariefah R.A.

Asyariefah R.A.

Born into a nature-loving family, Asyariefah enjoys the outdoors. Now! Jakarta provides her favourite collection of narratives with a sense of helping establish her identity. Some of her key areas of expertise include human interest, arts & culture, travel and features.