Wayang Potehi on Preserving Hybrid Culture and Endorsing Tolerance

Blessed with vast cultural influences, Indonesia has long been a melting pot. One local performance art that’s heavily influenced by the Chinese culture is now growing in popularity. Wayang Potehi is Chinese-Indonesian tradition which famous in Eastern Java. Photo courtesy of Wayang Potehi/NOW!JAKARTA Known as Wayang Potehi, the hand-puppet performance first graced Chinese temples in Java

Rintang Azhar

Fostering Cultural Dialogue Between the Netherlands and Indonesia

The exhibit hall currently displays the work of Indonesian painter Fendry Ekel. The words and numbers—and the paintings themselves —set the mind abuzz almost immediately. Just past the library, the walls curve around, holding more artwork, a recognition of his talent. The space, of course, is the Erasmus Huis, Jakarta. Michael Rauner, the Director of

Starbucks and IKAT Collaborate to Promote Indonesian Culture in its Latest  Merchandise

In celebration of its 16 years in the country, Starbucks Indonesia has collaborated with IKAT Indonesia to create an exclusive anniversary collection  representing unity and culture. Anthony Cottan, Director of Starbucks Indonesia (left) andDidiet Maulana, Creative Director of IKAT Indonesia lauch the exclusive Starbucsk 16th Anniversary merchandise featuring Indonesian culture. Photo courtesy of Starbucks Indonesia/NOW!JAKARTA Didiet

International Gamelan Festival Sounds in August in Surakarta

Solo is preparing to welcome more than 50 gamelan groups from Indonesia and overseas for the International Gamelan Festival (IGF) 2018 to be held in the city between 9-16 August. Aroudn 50 gamelan groups from Indonesia and overseas are scheduled to perform at the International Gamelan Festival (IGF) 2018 on August in Solo, Surakarta. Photo courtesy

The Japan Foundation, A Repository of Culture

The Japan Foundation was established in October, 1972 as a specialised, core agency responsible for Japanese international cultural exchange. Japan Foundation frequently invites Japanese artists to hold an exhibition in Jakarta. Photo courtesy of Japan Foundation/NOW!JAKARTA The agency was transformed into the independent administrative institution (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) on 1

The Dancing Masks of the Babukung

Pangkalan Bun in Central Kalimantan is a long way from anywhere. However, as soon as I heard about the Babukung Mask Festival held there every year, I went on the hunt to find out more. Babukung Traditional Mask Festival was held on 17 to 19 July 2018 at Hinang Golloa Stadium, Nanga Bulik, Lamandau Regency, Central

Inside the Recently Renovated Erasmus Huis

There is only one Dutch Cultural Centre: the Erasmus Huis worldwide, and it’s in Jakarta. Named after the great philosopher and thinker Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536), the Dutch heritage house recently underwent a facelift and reopened to the public on 23 November. Launching party for re-opening Dutch cultural centre Erasmus Huis in Jakarta after the building

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