PALAPA Nutmeg Liqueur, a Taste of Indonesia in a Bottle

In recent years, we have seen the rise of locally-produced alcohol in Indonesia. From craft gins to coffee liqueurs, creative minds have infused ingredients from the archipelago to create one-of-a-kind tipples, bridging the gap between nature and innovation. One example is PALAPA Nutmeg Liqueur, a smooth and refreshing blend of Balinese arak infused with nutmeg

Redefining Fashion with MeLookMel and its Baduy Woven Fabric Designs

Though ever popular, branded clothing often overshadows the treasures we find locally-made here in Indonesia. Luxury brands certainly have their appeal and status, but when it comes to finding something truly bespoke and culturally-inspired, there’s a lot left to be desired. Interests are skewed, and Indonesian-made brands aren’t getting the appreciation they deserve, so here

East Indies Gin: Embark on a Sensory Odyssey

Step into a world of sensory delight with East Indies Gin, created by Spice Distilling Co., Indonesia’s first authentic craft distillery. The distillery’s focus lies in sourcing the finest botanicals from across the Indonesian archipelago, harnessing the diverse and rich flavours indigenous to this tropical paradise, and in so doing, becoming a pioneer in crafting

Indonesia on a Plate

Sepiring Indonesia quite literally serves Indonesia on a plate. The vibrant, decorative crockery of this artistic brand brings the culture, colour and characters of the archipelago onto the dining room table. The dining ware ware caught the attention of the judges.  The plates, bowls, and cups brought Jakarta’s festivities to life: abang none (Betawi man and

Spedagi Bamboo Bikes: Powering a Village Revolution

Melding technology and nature in a sustainable and aesthetic way, artist and designer Singgih Susilo Kartono has created Spedagi, bamboo bikes that rekindle the human-nature relationship. In turn, this unique product has also triggered the revitalisation of his home village in Central Java. Photos by Spedagi.  Humans have utilised bamboo for over 5,000 years. It’s

Ayumu Gendouts: A Funky Twist on Indonesian Woven Crafts

The Indonesian handmade crafts industry is no stranger to woven bamboo bags. Due to their practicality and affordability, it is almost a guarantee that all Indonesians, especially women, own at least one of these types of bags. Because of this commonality, however, lots of artists and vendors have to explore their creativity in order to

Torajamelo, Preserving Indonesia’s Ancient Artisanal Weaving

Collaborating with more than 1,100 women weavers from different communities in Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara, Torajamelo blends traditional motifs of hand-woven fabrics into an array of fashion and lifestyle products, clothes, accessories, gifts and decor all given a beautiful ethnic flair. There is a lot of folklore behind the woven pieces made using the

Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Indonesian Textiles

This year we are going to run a series of stories focused on the best things you can buy in Indonesia, but they have to have one vital factor – they have to be made in Indonesia, and preferably designed and all materials sourced in Indonesia, as well!  We will not restrict this series to


Savis Tea: A Showcase of Indonesia’s Rich Tea Bounty

The artisan tea products that combines tradition, art and technology to support a natural and healthy lifestyle. Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world next to water. It is heavily steeped in interesting traditions and cultures across the globe, especially Indonesia to having a cup in daily life either to warm the routines,

Indonesia’s Finest Tea

The presence of Savis Tea was driven by Lily Gunawan's desire for Indonesia’s premium tea to become a host in its own country,​​​​​​. Photos courtesy of Savis Tea/NOWJAKARTA The artisan tea products that combines tradition, art and technology to support a natural and healthy lifestyle. Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world next to

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