Photos by William Woodruf

If you travel on Jalan Antasari between Prapanca and Cipete Raya, and look up occasionally from your handphone, you will see a series of colourful murals depicting Jakarta’s Betawi culture and other scenes on the pylons supporting the Antasari flyover.

Using various styles, they were all painted by students from several local high schools with funding from Bank BRI, Jotun, Dulux, Belkote varnish and paints and Enjoy Jakarta tourism board.

The murals shown here represent just a few of the ones adorning the very busy area. Here’s hoping they aren’t ruined by the often-idiotic graffiti ‘artists’ that are a blight on the city.

William Woodruff

William Woodruff

has lived in Jakarta for many years and produces articles for several publications in print and online around the region and the USA. After working at Jakarta Intercultural School as the communications office technical advisor, he is currently the in-house consultant editor at Moores Rowland Indonesia where he creates social media content, edits corporate and sustainability audits, and writes for the firm’s CEO and partners.