In “57 x 76” a Collaboration Between Artist and Author

The interdisciplinary collaboration between poet and author Goenawan Mohamad and renowned painter Muhammad Hanafi has piqued the attention of the art community. Their distinctive visual creation,“57 x 76” exhibit, is on display at National Gallery of Indonesia. Curated by Agung Hujatnikajennong, 80 paintings on paper and canvas are exhibited at "57 x 76" which were

Celebrating Indigenous Dance and Rituals at Gawai Festival

The crocodile appeared on the stage in the form of a human. The dancer writhed and slithered, accompanied by the deep tones of the didgeridoo. This opening dance at the 2018 Gawai Festival was received with loud cheers from the crowd. Dayak women dance at Gawai Festival. Photo by David Metcalf/NOW!JAKARTA The Gawai festival committee

Mansyur Mas’ud, Belitung, and His Relationship with Indonesian Art

Not too many people realise that the island of Belitung has had a small yet rather remarkable relationship with Indonesian art. Full by Mansyur Mas’ud. the painting manifests the reality of  densely populated settlements in Indonesia. Photo courtesy of Amir Sidharta/NOW!JAKARTA Although Raden Saleh never actually went to Belitung,  in 1855 he painted a portrait of John

International Gamelan Festival Sounds in August in Surakarta

Solo is preparing to welcome more than 50 gamelan groups from Indonesia and overseas for the International Gamelan Festival (IGF) 2018 to be held in the city between 9-16 August. Aroudn 50 gamelan groups from Indonesia and overseas are scheduled to perform at the International Gamelan Festival (IGF) 2018 on August in Solo, Surakarta. Photo courtesy

1O1 Travel Sketch Explores Malang, Bandung, and Other Cities

Local tourism sketch project “1O1 Travel Sketch” explored a number of cities including Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Malang. This year, 101 Travel Sketch will take place in Jakarta in October, and will be celebrated in Bali and Palembang next year. Beside exploring the city and its culture, 1O1 Travel Sketch is usually closed with an auction.

Generation XYZ, Understanding the Generation Gap through Dance

The modern dance and hip hop performance by Marlupi Dance Academy (MDA) dancers tell a deep narrative about the generation gap, through movement. Titled “Generation XYZ” the dance performance connect the audiences to the contemporary world, signifying the unique characters of human beings across generations. The Generation XYZ captures the unique character of the society

Balinale has Morphed from a Film Festival to a Cultural Event

This year’s Bali International Film Festival (Balinale), which will be held between 24-30 September, is expected to draw around 8,000 visitors taking in the best independent cinema from around 40 countries. Filmmaker and Anthropologist Dr. Lawrence Blair presents his documentary film "Bali, Island of the Dogs" at the Balinale. Photo courtesy of Balinale/NOW!JAKARTA Documentaries, shorts and

Exhibit of Presidential Art Collection Salutes National Heroes

The exhibit of the Presidential Art collection this year focused on the celebration of the 73rd Anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence and the 18th Asian Games. Held at the National Gallery, the month long exhibition portrayed the nation’s struggles. the 1919 Bronze sculpture “Archer” by Zsiemond Kisfaludi Strobel was exhibited at Presidential collection Exhibit. Photo by

The Japan Foundation, A Repository of Culture

The Japan Foundation was established in October, 1972 as a specialised, core agency responsible for Japanese international cultural exchange. Japan Foundation frequently invites Japanese artists to hold an exhibition in Jakarta. Photo courtesy of Japan Foundation/NOW!JAKARTA The agency was transformed into the independent administrative institution (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) on 1

Through Art, an Inextricable Link with Japan

In August the famous Ratna Sari Dewi, Sukarno’s fifth wife, stopped by the Indonesia Spirit of the World exhibition featuring the art collection of Indonesia’s Presidential palace to see Basoeki Abdullah’s Under the Moonlight painting. She posed for the painting over half a century ago, but seemed to recall vividly that she was dressed in

World Press Photo Exhibition Depicts the World’s Tragedies and Hopes

Erasmus Huis Jakarta, in collaboration with Bentara Budaya Jakarta, hosts the "World Press Photo" Exhibition featuring works from photographers from around the world. The images capture the state of the world today in all its rawness, including the bloodshed, culture wars, and environmental issues. . Led by senior director of photography Magdalena Herrera, World Press

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